Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards)

Pilio is a leading provider of energy management software, carbon tracking solutions, and sustainability tools designed to help organisations monitor, manage, and report their environmental impacts. Our comprehensive suite of solutions aligns with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, specifically focusing on Environmental Topics (GRI 300 Series). By leveraging Pilio’s advanced technology, organisations can ensure accurate and transparent sustainability reporting, driving continuous improvement and adherence to global best practices.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an independent, international organisation that provides the world's most widely used standards for sustainability reporting.

  • GRI produces Sustainability Reporting Standards that enable organisations to report their economic, environmental, social, and governance impacts and performance.

  • The GRI Standards provide a comprehensive framework for organisations to disclose information on a wide range of sustainability topics across the economic, environmental, and social dimensions.

Why Use GRI Reporting?

Although GRI reporting is voluntary, it is widely recognised as the foremost global framework for comprehensive sustainability disclosure and stakeholder engagement. The Global Reporting Initiative provides the most widely adopted global standards for organisations to comprehensively report their environmental, social, and economic impacts, thereby promoting transparency and accountability.

Key Benefits of Using GRI Standards:

 1. Global Recognition: The GRI Standards are the most widely used framework for sustainability reporting worldwide. As of 2022, 78% of the world's largest 250 companies and 68% of the top 100 companies in 58 countries use the GRI Standards for sustainability reporting. This widespread adoption underscores their credibility and acceptance.

2. Comprehensive Disclosure: GRI Standards offer a structured approach to reporting, ensuring that organisations provide a complete and balanced view of their sustainability performance. This includes detailed disclosures on economic, environmental, and social impacts.

3. Materiality Focus: The emphasis on materiality ensures that reports highlight the most significant issues that impact the organisation and its stakeholders. This focus helps in identifying and managing key sustainability risks and opportunities.

4. Enhanced Transparency and Accountability: By adhering to GRI Standards, organisations can enhance their transparency and accountability. This fosters trust with stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, and regulators, who increasingly demand robust sustainability performance and disclosure.

5. Continuous Improvement: The GRI framework encourages continuous improvement in sustainability performance and reporting. By regularly assessing and reporting their impacts, organisations can track their progress over time and make informed decisions to enhance their sustainability practices.

6. Stakeholder Engagement: Effective sustainability reporting according to GRI Standards involves engaging with stakeholders to understand their concerns and expectations. This engagement is crucial for building strong relationships and ensuring that the organisation’s sustainability efforts are aligned with stakeholder interests.

7. Comparability and Benchmarking: Using a standardised reporting framework like GRI allows for comparability across organisations and industries. This facilitates benchmarking and performance evaluation, helping organisations to identify best practices and areas for improvement.

Why Use GRI Reporting?

  • The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides a comprehensive set of standards for sustainability reporting, aimed at helping organisations measure and communicate their economic, environmental, and social impacts. The GRI Standards are organised into a modular system that includes:

    1. Universal Standards:

      • GRI 1: Foundation 2021: Outlines the purpose, system, and principles of the GRI Standards.

      • GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: Covers the organisational profile, strategy, ethics and integrity, governance, stakeholder engagement, and reporting practice.

      • GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: Provides guidelines on how to determine, disclose, and manage material topics.

    2. Topic-specific Standards:

      • These are divided into three series: Economic, Environmental, and Social.

      • Economic (e.g., GRI 201: Economic Performance, GRI 202: Market Presence, GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts, GRI 204: Procurement Practices).

      • Environmental (e.g., GRI 301: Materials, GRI 302: Energy, GRI 303: Water and Effluents, GRI 304: Biodiversity, GRI 305: Emissions, GRI 306: Waste, GRI 307: Environmental Compliance, GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment).

      • Social (e.g., GRI 401: Employment, GRI 402: Labor/Management Relations, GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety, GRI 404: Training and Education, GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity, GRI 406: Non-discrimination, GRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining, GRI 408: Child Labor, GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor, GRI 410: Security Practices, GRI 411: Rights of Indigenous Peoples, GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment, GRI 413: Local Communities, GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment, GRI 415: Public Policy, GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety, GRI 417: Marketing and Labelling, GRI 418: Customer Privacy, GRI 419: Socioeconomic Compliance).

About Pilio & the GRI Standards: Environmental Topics (GRI 300 Series)

Pilio is a leading provider of energy management and carbon software plus sustainability solutions that help organisations track, manage, and report their environmental impacts in alignment with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, particularly the Environmental Topics (GRI 300 Series).

The Environmental Topics series covers a range of critical environmental topics that organisations can report on.

Pilio Energy & Carbon Software & GRI Reporting

Pilio's sustainability tools are designed to assist organisations in meeting these GRI Standards by providing accurate data collection, analysis, and reporting capabilities. By leveraging Pilio's solutions, organisations can:

  • Track and Optimise Resource Use: Monitor energy consumption, water usage, and material efficiency to report accurately on GRI 301, 302, and 303.

  • Measure and Reduce Emissions: Calculate greenhouse gas emissions and implement reduction strategies to comply with GRI 305.

  • Manage Waste Effectively: Track waste generation, disposal methods, and recycling efforts in alignment with GRI 306.

  • Ensure Environmental Compliance: Stay updated with environmental regulations and compliance requirements, supporting GRI 307 reporting.

  • Assess Supplier Impact: Evaluate and manage the environmental performance of suppliers, aligning with GRI 308.

GRI 302: Energy

  • Energy Tracking and Reporting: Accurate and real-time data on energy consumption. This data is crucial for reporting under GRI 302, which requires disclosure of energy consumption within the organization (GRI 302-1), energy consumption outside the organisation (GRI 302-2), and energy intensity (GRI 302-3).

  • Efficiency Improvements: The software helps identify inefficiencies and opportunities for reducing energy consumption, supporting initiatives to improve energy efficiency (GRI 302-4).

    Detailed insights and analytics enable organisations to implement effective energy-saving measures.

GRI 305: Emission 

  • Accurate Emissions Calculation: Carbon footprint calculators help in precisely calculating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, covering Scope 1 (direct emissions), Scope 2 (indirect emissions from purchased energy), and, if applicable, Scope 3 (other indirect emissions). This aligns with GRI 305-1, 305-2, and 305-3 requirements.

  •  Reduction Initiatives: By identifying the major sources of emissions, organisations can develop targeted strategies to reduce their carbon footprint, in line with GRI 305-5, which focuses on the reduction of GHG emissions.

  •  Regular Monitoring: Continuous monitoring and reporting of emissions data facilitate tracking progress over time, ensuring compliance with GRI 305-4, which requires organisations to report GHG emissions intensity.

GRI 306: Waste

  • Waste Generation and Disposal: Energy management software can include waste tracking capabilities, helping organisations to report on the total weight of waste generated (GRI 306-2), how it is disposed of, and measures taken to prevent waste generation (GRI 306-3).

  •  Recycling and Reuse: By monitoring waste streams, organisations can improve recycling and reuse rates, reducing their overall environmental impact and enhancing their sustainability performance.

GRI 301: Materials

  • Material Efficiency: Energy management can also track the usage of materials, supporting GRI 301-1, which requires reporting on the materials used by weight or volume. Identifying opportunities to use materials more efficiently or substitute with more sustainable options aligns with GRI 301-2 and 301-3.

Track and report energy across your building portfolio

Energy management software - for energy saving, energy efficiency and reporting

Reduce and report your carbon footprint to reach net zero

Carbon footprint calculator to calculate CO₂ emissions and report on the organisations footprint

Pilio offers comprehensive environmental consultancy services to help your business interpret, validate, and achieve its environmental impact and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives effectively. By aligning with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, Pilio ensures that your sustainability efforts are accurately tracked, managed, and reported, fostering transparency and accountability in your environmental performance.

Building energy audits

Identify where your business can make cost-saving energy reduction interventions.

Energy efficiency 

Start with a building energy audit/efficiency audit, followed by monitoring and management.

Carbon auditing

Reporting on Scope 1, 2 and 3 direct and indirect GHG emissions across core business activities.

Carbon reporting

PAS 2060 and ISO 14064 schemes for carbon neutrality and accounting for carbon emissions. 

Scope 3 carbon audit

Assess indirect greenhouse gas emissions to identify opportunities to enhance sustainability efforts.


Requiring UK companies to report on GHG emissions in their Directors' Reports.

Carbon reduction strategy

Expert advice and guidance to reduce emissions through innovative technologies and sustainable practices. 

Capital investment strategy 

A strategic approach to allocating financial resources towards projects and assets to maximise long-term returns and objectives.

Life cycle analysis

Calculate the carbon emissions of a product you sell from manufacturers to eventual disposal. 

Supply chain audit

Enabling your businesses to achieve your net zero ambitions by auditing the Scope 3 emissions in your supply chain.

Policy & action plan

Set in your organisation's environmental policy and action plan.